Orienteering at Little River Canyon

Not many people even realize that we have a national preserve in Alabama. Part of me feels sad that so many people miss out on this gorgeous natural area, but the other part of me is glad that it isn't crowded like so many other places in the national park system. It was a striking setting for Ardmore's naturalist program students, who were there today to learn important navigation skills.

Israel Partridge of True Adventure Sports led the orienteering class. Students learned to use a compass, and then learned various ways to navigate just in case they find themselves without one. They learned to magnetize a piece of metal with their hair or clothing to fashion a makeshift compass, to use the shadowstick method and to use the sky to navigate. They practiced by following a treasure hunt-like course and then created their own courses. The two boys managed to stump Chloe and me with their creative course! 

We also found some antlers, a skull and some scat. I was excited that one of the students identified the scat based on last week's lesson. None of us were able to positively identify the skull, but Israel let us take it home for our collection. 

Thanks to AMV RC&D and Dekko Foundation for their support in Ardmore's naturalist program.


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